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Blog di immagine.poesia.over-blog.it

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"Lorenzo Dancing" painting by Funtears, Chicago - USA. "In the Blue" poem by Agneta Falk, San Francisco - USA



Link: http://funtears1.wix.com/naqeesart




I see the world

when I close my eyes

when I listen in the blue.

I hear a voice which has lived

in the blue so long that it contains

all memories, all mistakes, all fantasies.

A voice in zero, where it’s quiet

so quiet that I can hear all names

in one name, where the blue flame licks

this name to a burning whisper,

the voice that lifts you from inside

takes you out to sea

where a thunderstorm is building

and brings you back over the still water,

the voice that goes

where nobody else dares.

That voice burns in me,

in the blue.





(courtesy of the author)

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